Yea, Brad. Why does Melinda have the the bigger dynamax ball anyway?
This weeks marks the end of our 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Challenge and we couldn't be happier. We're not happy that the challenge is actually over, instead we are happy for all our new guests who have chosen to make PPT & CFH their home away from home. Thank you for your dedication, desire, drive and determination to become a healthier you and live you life to the fullest!
Um, someone is backwards. George, you're hot!
This week the morning class had the pleasure to see Chuck as a temporary sub for Ashley. Ash will be out until August as she is in a training position for her new job. Don't worry, she still loves teaching and wants to be back asap. Unfortunately, that means that morning athletes have to put up with Chuck and listen to his redundant 80's butt rock.
By the way, Jeffery makes our job so much easier. He helped us build another 3 lifting racks, rearranged the studio, subbed our classes took care of a ton of red tape. Next time you see Jeffery, give him a pat on the back for us.
New platforms.
Our adventure this week was a trip to Hare Field for SAQ training. Those two classes on Saturday morning definitely FLEW by! Because CrossFit doesn't really train for agility, we like to include this type of training when we can. The Illinois agility test, suicides, 300m shuttle, ladder, hurdles, and mirror drills are just some of the things we did today. Great work everyone!
A special note on Friday's WOD. This was the chipper that we went through at the NW CrossFit Regionals.
30 Wall balls
30 Power snatch
30 2 pood kb swings
30 Burpees
30 Overhead squats
30 Power cleans
A special note on Wednesday's WOD. This made by glutes feel like they were poked with needle and filled with jalepeno juice.
45lb lunges 100'
21 burpees
5 rounds
Deadlifts 265#m 150#w 90 sec
300m shuttle run
Because of the size of classes and the growth of our community, PPT & CFH has chosen to implement an On-Ramp Program. The ORP is designed for new guest whom have not participated in a CrossFit program or has not participated in a regular exercise program. Classes will begin Monday June 28th for the 5:30 AM & PM classes. Participants will work with an instructor learning the fundamental movements commonly found in a strength & conditioning studio, as well as progressively enhancing VO2Max muscular and neuromuscular development. Upon completion of the ORP, CFH athletes will achieve CFH Level 1 standing.