Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Filthy 50

Benchmark Tuesday is rockin in the studio again.
Today we have chosen to take another crack at the unassuming Filthy 50,  or as Holly like to say "The F'n 50!"

This is not one of our own WODs, but one put together by the CFHQ.  For time:
50 Box jumps
50 Jumping pull ups
50 Kettlebell swings 1/1.5 pood
50 walking lunges
50 Knee to elbow
50 Push press
50 Back extensions
50 Wall balls 20/14
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Melinda rocked it for the girls this morning with a smokin time of 27:08 and Rod lead the guys with 20:17.

We like prep the body's entire musculoskeletal and central nervous system before the WODs and the SAQ ladder is a great way to do this.
Melinda, you better shave before the show. 

We are building our team!

Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro is now hiring for position of 'Guest Relations Specialist'.  Position is part-time (12 hours/week) for now.  

Click here to learn more about it:

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Week at CFH

First off, everyone would like to thank Lindsay for putting together a butt kicking WOD this week that lived up to it's name.  Everyone got their butt's handed to them on Monday night and for the Tuesday Benchmark.  That's right - Lindz now has her own benchmark.  
1 min SDHP
3 Snatch Press
3 Binders (combination of sidewinder and burpee)
Complete until 200 SDHP is reached

Wednesday wasn't any cakewalk either.  We chose the Lumberjack 20 to really challenge the metabolic system of the CrossFitters this week.  

Holy kipps, Batman!  Heather and David are doing really well at their pull ups. Heather hit her first kip this week.  YEA BABY!   

300m run
21 Thrusters 95/65
21 SDHP 95/65
Melinda brought it home again with a time of 24:16
Erica 24:40
JFlood 29:31
Kristin, Rod and Cindy are still working on this as we speak.  

 It was a little dark this morning, yea.  

Monday, August 23, 2010

Chewy or Crunchy, Toasted or Surrounding Ham and Cheese...

I'll admit that bread can be a difficult vice to give up. Even I'll partake on occasion, when it's particularly crusty and there's real butter nearby. For most, it features prominently at breakfast (toast), lunch (sandwiches), and dinner (rolls), and it can make a tempting vehicle for any number of delicious toppings (cheese, dips, butter). Waiters often bring a warm basket of it with the menus, and, along with water, bread figures into the standard archetypal prisoner's meager meal. Bread is modern Grok's constant temptress - and some of us have less willpower than others.

If you're having trouble giving up the grainy stuff entirely (or are about to give in to temptation), why not try out some homemade low-carb, grain/gluten-free bread options to tide you over? My first bit of advice to people looking to adopt the PB is to just stop eating bread altogether - eventually including even the grain-free bread approximations, if you can - but that can be a tall order. The low-carb, Primal bread options are certainly better than the real thing, but they are still hyper-caloric modifications of what Grok would have actually eaten, so I'd advise against making them daily staples.

In my recent spinach bread post, readers chimed in with their own favorite low-carb, grain-free bread-ish recipes. Most of them involve either nut or seed meals or coconut flours and lots of eggs as the base. These are all delicious, wholesome, Primal ingredients, but in bread form they can be extremely dense and addictive. Use caution when you make these! Don't eat a loaf a day; even though they're made with Primal ingredients, you can still overdo it.

Without further ado, here's a quick roundup of the best bread alternatives I've come across. Most are meant to replace bread, but some of them aim to replace pizza crusts and other baked goods.

Medicine Woman's Roots: Golden Flax Bread
Gluten-Free Bread
Focaccia-Style Flax Bread
Oopsie Rolls (Gluten-Free Buns)
Cauliflower Pizza Crust
Sunflower Seed Pizza Crust
And a nice compendium of paleo baked recipes, most of which should align nicely with the PB

Oh, and just in case you've been eyeing that crusty baguette sitting on the counter for the past hour and telling yourself, "Hey, maybe grains aren't so bad after all," check out my Definitive Guide to Grains for a reality check.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

3 Day Perform Better Summit

This last weekend I went to Long Beach for the Perform Better 3 Day Functional Training Summit.  There were some great fitness professionals there, and some excellent topic such as screenings, assessments, business practices & systems.  There were two instructors I really wanted to see in particular: Grey Cook and Todd Durkin.  The other instructors were very good too, but some of their material was simply review and just lacked a certain - innovation/groundbreaking methodology that I was looking for.

As Todd Durkin told me "A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link and an athlete is only as strong as his weakest movement."  I knew that I was weak in a few areas of my fitness education and that is why I wanted to attend this seminar.  For me, screening and assessing each of you athletes in class is my challenge (not my weak point, because I don't have any week point) and this is why I attended.  I have quite a bit of learning to do, but the time spent will be worth it for all of you.  

Not much is going to change in the studio as far as the structure of classes, but we will be adding more mobility & stability exercises as well as a few screen protocols in an effort to continually provide you excellent guest services in personal training and CrossFit programming.  With as much as you continually beat the hell out of your bodies 5-6 times a week, we as instructors need to be sure we are spending enough time on mobility restrictions, asymmetries and stability exercises.

We want to create the premier CrossFit studio in the nation which produces the healthiest, injury free athletes in a responsible environment with a system protocol second to none.  It's not going to happen overnight, but we're not going to settle for less when striving towards this goal.

Remember, pain is not an indicator of health.  Just because you're pain free does not mean you're injury free.  If you are experiencing any kind of pain during class, please let your instructor know immediately. 

Yours in strength and wellness,
Chuck Gonzales 
