Friday, February 5, 2010

The expansion of CrossFit

This is Cian.  Cian will be participating in another ultramarathon this weekend in Texas. We wish you the very best of luck Cian.   Please feel free to take Monday off.  


CrossFit is exploding right now across the world.  I don't think I've ever seen dominance like this in the fitness industry.  The Globe-O-gyms are dying quite frankly because of piss poor customer service and 3 year contracts.  The future of the fitness industry is within the wall of small, ultra-dynamic personal training/strength & conditioning & CrossFit studios.  The days of Globe-o Gyms are slowly becoming entities of the past, lead to their grave by their prehistoric leaders whom have forgotten that the customer is more than just a number who exchanges said American dollars in return for properly operating showers and steam rooms.   In 2010, I expect to see exponential growth of specifically CrossFit boxes, drawing more and more people to our gyms and away from buildings filled with a sea of equipment and flat screen TV's.  

CrossFit has changed us as fitness professionals and also changed the direction of our business.  When we opened as a personal training studio in September of 08, we wanted to be the premier training studio in Washington County.  Now, we are unexpectedly the premier CrossFit studio in Washington County, the first and only CrossFit affiliate in Washington County and the ONLY one in the country with strength & conditioning specialists, personal trainers, group exercise instructors, CrossFit instructors and Starbucks managers. HAHAHAHAH!

There is no end in sight to the expansion of CrossFIt across the world and if you have not yet experienced this phenomenon, I highly urge you to find out what the future of fitness will look like.  These boxes and training studios will do to the fitness giants what organic growers are doing to mass production farmers - providing a higher quality product quality without sacrificing service. 

This industry has needed a revolution and a change of direction for quite some time.  The people who were brave enough to venture out on their own, take control of their future and build these great business are those responsible for this revolution.  To the Revolutionaries!    

P.S., check out Wednesday's Wall Street Journal for an article on CrossFit. 

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