Saturday, July 17, 2010

Another "Kalsu", "FGB", Daily Doubles & "Skunk"

It's a little sideways.  I added our own vinyl logo to the back on mine.  Those vinyl window decals, made by our own CFH athlete Julie Craig are just $10.  They look great on vehicles.  

This has been one of the harder weeks we have had in a while.  After coming off of our recovery week last week, we wanted to challenge the athletes and push them to their limits.
We offered the option for individuals to go through daily double workouts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and a single workout of "Kalsu" on Tuesday, and CFT's on Thursday.  I believe most everyone one was still at, if not very close to their previous CFT numbers from our strength challenge 2 months ago.  I'm very proud of everyone.

Thursday,  we had the pleasure hearing from a figure show competitor, Kim Goeden, talk about her experiences and lifestyle.  It was quite an eye opener for some of our ladies and for me too (Chuck).  Two of our athletes have goals of participating in a figure show in 12 weeks.  Good luck Brad and Dan.

We finally got our weight sled yesterday and wodbooks after about 3 years of waiting for them.  Both are at the studio and will definitely not collect any kind of dust.

Saturday's wod = "SKUNK".  Lindsay made this one up last year sometime and I felt we just needed to revisit this:
5 Thrusters
7 Hang Power Cleans
20min AMRAP
As Jflood said "Melinda = Womanimal"

If anyone knows of a good space that we can move into, by all means, let us know because it's getting a little cramped in here.  Let's just make it a co-op and we can all buy in for a building of our own.  

JFlood in action during our FGB.

KBar and Kbaehr working on core after her WOD.  Nothing like atomic push-ups to finish off with.

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