Beautiful day for an ass kicking:
AMRAP: 10 reps:1) Ball Cleans/Burpees; 2) Deadlift/Hang Power Cleans; 3) Wallball/KB-Swings/Box Jumps. Bewicks also beat the hell out of each other for 11, 2 minute rounds w/30 sec break.
Beth (below), is one of our new members, and is a natural. She is getting married in just about a month, and joined our CrossFit classes to become "Fit to be Tied!" Excellent form Beth, and great to have you. Beth also gave us a huge compliment after deciding to training with us. She said that she joined because "...there was no bullshit when I met you and Shelly". Thanks Beth. We like to think that we're a 'no B.S.' place, too.
Raylene just all out rocks. She wasn't sure if she could do the deads and HPC with weights on the bar, but after a little encouragement, she did it.
Beautiful scoop n' catch.
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