Every week just feels better and better at the studio. More and more people. Harder, faster, more intense workouts. Linear progression for everyone, everyweek. It's so awesome to witness so many achieve so much with so little. We're going to need a bigger space pretty soon!
There were two highlights this week at PPT & CH.
1) Our nutritional seminar that our CrossFit instructor, Mike Healy and Chuck put on for our morning CrossFitters. We are in the process of merging The Zone with sports nutrition and supplementation to make dietary intake easier for our clients with real lives outside of the studio. While there are many diets out there today, we are most comfortable with recommending The Zone as a functional, healthy and healing nutritional plan for most people. we also have our roots in sports nutrition and supplementation however, and we believe it's important to merge the two for optimal performance. We will be offering more on this venture in the near future.
2) Our first Fight Gone Bad heat. Our a.m. CrossFitters were prepared for this heat and did very well for their first time. Before the bell rang for round 1, partners were chosen and their stomachs started to churn with butterflies. The churn was drowned out by the score from the 300 soundtrack on the overhead system, sharpening their competitive edge for the 17 minutes of hell which awaited them.
Fight Gone Bad is a conditioning program developed by CrossFit creator, Coach Glassman, for BJ Sing, a world-class MMA fighter. Coach Glassman wanted to develop a conditioning program to simulate the metabolic effects of a real MMA fight of 3, 5 minute rounds with a 1 minute break between rounds. What he came up with was the following:
3 rounds
1) 1 min 20lb Wall Balls
2) 1 min 75lb Sumo Dead High Pulls
3) 1 min 24" Box Jumps
4) 1 min 75 lb Push Press
5) 1 min Row machine
1 min break
The goal is to keep track of your repetitions as points, and on the rower, your calories for points. Person with the highest score at the Rx weights, wins. It's very fun, and one of the hardest things we have ever done (Fran might be tougher though).
Mike did a great job guiding & motivating everyone through the workout, printing up score cards, and he even printed up FGB tattoos for everyone. We're very lucky to have him around, because Chuck would have just given everyone a high five, then kicked them out at 6:30.
We finished the week off with a little bbq at the studio on Friday night. Perfect evening for a bbq too, because we all needed the electrolytes from FBG. Raylene actually came back for a second workout that evening! Amazing job Champ! The good thing about brew is that it has more electrolytes than beer. The bad thing is that Chuck was drunk after 1/2 a Coors Light in a can.
For whatever reason, Gabriel decided to jump on the treadmill and just started training for the Run Like Hell 1/2 marathon. First he wanted to job for 10 minutes, then 15, then 20, 25, 30, and he called it good at 31 minutes/ 2miles! So Proud of him! Butch was at his side the whole time too with words of encouragement.
Awesome job Gabe! He was so sweaty and soaked.
Now Gavin is well on his way to becoming a natural CrossFitter. There's Penny helping him on his muscle-ups.
Show off.

And I couldn't pass up the opportunity to dance with Penny to Marty Robbins "El Paso", one of my all time favorites.
Chuck & Shelly also registered for the IDEA World fitness convention in California this August. This is vitally important to all of our clients because of the world class programming that we will bring back to share with everyone. Without going to these types of conventions and learning from our colleagues , Shelly & Chuck would have never been able to open a successful training studio with fun bbq's & brew on Friday nights.
We are still planning our 1 year celebration for September, and we'll be sure to make it a good one for all of you CrossFitters!