Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Catch up...

Time to catch up on some pictures from the last few weeks...

Tina's working on her jumping pull-up.
Looking forward to having her back in the studio next week!
Cindy is totally awesome. She brings 100% every class.
She has gotten so strong and she's looking amazing!
Nice shrug, Raylene. Trisha and Raylene working on cleans.
Sarah with her ball tuck.
Boot camp girls (l-r: Lynn, Trisha, Cindy, and Sabrina)
This was a particularly challenging workout- all on the BOSU:
25, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps of
-squat thrusts
-lateral tap across
-push ups
-mountain climbers
Here's Matt with his kettlebell.
Chuck with Harry, our 78-yr. old whipper-snapper working on standing from a seated position.
I think this is one of the coolest pics we've taken so far at the studio.
Chuck stenciled and painted the NSCA logo on the wall.
Lynn's working with the medicine ball.
Marcelle always wants to drag Chuck around.
Here's the amazing Cindy again. She's getting so darned close to that pull-up!
Lisa's back there working hard, too!
Andrea with the kettlebell snatch and Trisha with the clean.
Trisha is a natural at power lifting. Impeccable form.
Trisha and Andrea partner up on the BOSU med ball toss/crunch.
Andrea. This girl is friggin' tough! So strong. Look at the depth on that TRX push up!
Andrea, Nancy, Lisa and Cindy working their way through boot camp circuits.
Join us for a class sometime! We have 15 classes per week on the schedule between CrossFit, Boot Camp, and Power Vinyasa Yoga. Your first class is FREE!

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