So today was the first day that Charlie was able to function after the 4th of July parade with his Angels. It was hot, and we mean like Tarzan hot. No wait, like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas hot. Okay, maybe not that hot, but still hot enough to make the whole thing a wonderfully bad idea.
Nearly 3 miles of lunges, thrusters, tire flips, push ups and improv MJ dancing..wwwoooooo!
This was a really nice clean & press and walk, with cheers from the crowd, by Shelly. Nice job Babe!
We took turns rolling and flipping the tire, and the on lookers loved it! The angels rocked it.
It's about 300 pounds.
A special thank you to Lance for driving the old beast. Warm thanks to everyone. Left to right: Lance, Kristin, Andrea (standing), Chantal, Chuck, Shelly, Cindy (standing), Nancy and Stealth...I mean Maggie. And thanks to all of the hood rats in the truck that handed out all of our candy in the first 2 minutes. Gabe, Gavin, Logan, Sophia, Hailey & Alyssa. All great kids who were very well behaved. Thank you.
Nice guns Stealth, I mean, "Mrs Schuler!" As one of her kids yelled out from the crowd.
Today was great, namely because it didn't break 80 degrees all day. It was darn right chilly when we stepped out the door which this morning and that made us very happy because we're sick of keeping the AC on. The Filthy 50 is no fun to partake in when it's 90-100 outside either.
This took them a little longer than I thought; About an hour and 5 minutes, including warm up.
Carlie is rockin the KB's though, and I don't know why my text is now blue.
Beth is in her second week and is a natural. Excellent extension and oxidative system too, I might add. A very well rounded athlete.
Not part of the workout, but I just like this picture of Julie and Mary Lou at the studio. 2 more of Charlie's Angels.

Filthy 50!
50 box jumps50 jumping pullups
50 kb swings
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press (45#)
50 back extensions
50 thrusters (45#)
50 burpees
50 double unders, or 100 skips
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