Monday, November 30, 2009

Turkey Gone Bad

1:00 wk/:30 rest
3 rounds
1:00 rest between rounds
Keep track of points each round.  Total points for 3 rounds

Station 1:  ball slam
Station 2:  burpee
Station 3:  push press
Station 4:  db squat
Station 5:  row (for calories)

Finished up with some "Killer Core":
BOSU crunches with 4lb. ball overhead (keep arms straight)
Dead Bug hold, then add crunches
forearm plank with "T" open alternating
elbow/elbow, hand/hand on BOSU
Figure 8 seated on BOSU using 4lb. ball
Elbow/opposite knee- 12 each side

Monday, November 16, 2009

FRAN - Watch out boy, she'll chew you up! Whoa, here she comes!

FRAN - what a bee-otch!
Wow, these guy and galls are definitely a few steps higher now on the evolutionary ladder, and since Dawna is now eating meat, she's pretty much at the very top of the food chain.
Everyone's times have been steadily improving, which is no surprise because after all, CrossFit is a pretty much the alpha and the omega of strength & conditioning...if I'm being totally honest.

Really though, this guy in class, who is about 6 years or so older than me (Chuck, or Chunk) finished only 8 seconds behind my last Fran time. 5:50 for him. Shit fire LeRoy! Great for him, but does that make me a cream puff? Do I have to put down the Hershey's special dark chocolate? What about the 2lb bag of dark m&m's I just bought? I thought dark chocolate was good for you? You know, the antioxidants? And how come I put on 3 pounds when I eat the whole bag? That's B.S. man, I tell you! (Zack and Miram).

But enough about me. The CrossFitters in class this morning did an outstanding job, and in a few hours, the evening soldiers with both hearts big and small, will make an attempt at the benchmark that puts a numerical value on a persons life as a whole. Nay, is it the letters follow your name, nor the number of commas in your paycheck. Neither number of cars in your garage nor the number of bars you have on the worlds greatest phone can compare to the one that's next to your name on the whiteboard. God be with you!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Thirty Days to a Leaner You"

Little changes can make a big difference in overall results.
  • Regarding exercise, one tip I give, which I try to employ myself, is to exercise first thing in the morning. If you can make this change, research shows you will be more likely to stick to your routine and soon it will become a habit. Also, you will feel so good about what you've done that you'll be less likely to mess it up by eating poorly throughout the day.
  • Sign up for an active event. Setting your sights on a 5K run, a hike, or a burpee challenge (my clients and I have committed to this: 1 burpee on day 1, 2 on day 2 and so on through day 121.)
  • Find a friend who needs motivation. By going along as a supporter, you'll be getting your workout in AND growing closer to a buddy.
  • Go outside with the kids to throw a frisbee or hit a t-ball. Don't think of it as exercise, but instead as together time. Inevitably you'll get your heart rate up and break a sweat!
  • Create your "Mii". Hop on your Wii Balance Board for some hula hooping or slalom skiing. You'll have so much fun that you won't realize you're exercising.
  • Can't make time for your workout because you'll miss your favorite show? Make use of those commercials. Try push ups through the first break, sit ups the next, jumping jacks, squats, plank, and so on. With each commercial break lasting about 2 minutes, you could get a 15-20 minute workout in during a one-hour show.
  • Strap a kid on your back while you lunge through the neighborhood. Stop at park benches for step ups, push ups and tricep dips.
  • Today, take your cardio workout 5 minutes longer than usual. Mid-run or stair climb add in three sprint-ervals of 30 seconds-1 minute each. Recover for 1 minute and repeat for a total of three times.
Diet tips:
  • This one is my favorite: Gargle, brush, floss. Right after dinner. With all the effort you'll have put into a clean mouth you'll be less likely to continue snacking into the evening. An added benefit: Research directly links gum health to heart health.
  • Forget fat, protein, carbs...for the day. Count fiber. Aim for 30 grams and you'll find yourself satisfied all day. When you fill up on fruits, veggies and whole grains your energy level will skyrocket and you'll have fewer cravings for the bad stuff.
  • Splurge on a nice, eco-friendly water bottle. Stainless steel is your best option. This will encourage you to drink more throughout the day.
  • Try a new vegetable. Don't avoid the leafy green section in your produce department because you don't know what to do with them. Try kale, swiss chard, or spinach sauteed with olive oil and garlic. The fat in the oil helps your body to better absorb the nutrients in the veggies and consuming garlic has been shown to help everything from high blood pressure to cancer.
  • Eat the rainbow. Try to include one piece of produce from every color of the rainbow.
  • Dish your food onto a salad plate. You will feel full with the portion size and not feel deprived, whereas if you had used a dinner-sized plate you would have most likely finished the entire helping before realizing you were full.
  • Set your fork down between bites.
  • Chew slowly. Really take the time to taste each bite.
  • Look at your family. Very simply, be aware of all you are living for. Don't just survive, but thrive for them.
  • Sign up for an active event. This will help you regain focus every day.
  • Put your tennis shoes on. Don't even think about it. Just do it before you talk yourself out of it. Open the front door and start walking.
  • Join an online support group. is a wonderful (free) site that allows you to track calories and join groups of like-minded people in the categories you choose.
  • Create a new workout mix for your mp3 player. Organize your songs to coincide with your workout. For example, for an interval session alternate between fast-paced, up-tempo songs (work period) and slower, more mellow songs (recovery period).

"Exercising, But Not Losing Weight?"

Tweaks to get the scale moving again:
  • The first thing I typically recommend is to add interval training. The workouts should be short, intense, and focused. If you're going all out (ex.: 1-2 min. work, 1 min. recovery) this workout only needs to be 15-30 minutes. During the 'work' portion, push yourself to between a 7-9 on a scale of 1-10. Aim to drop below 5 for your recovery. Intervals are calorie incinerators; not just during the activity, but also afterward. Your metabolism will remain elevated for hours, burning more calories overall. Incorporate intervals twice per week.
  • Take a day off. That's right-rest. You may be overtraining. When you're pushing yourself too hard without the proper recovery and nutrition, your body goes into survival mode-holding on to every spare calorie it can get, bringing your progress to a screeching halt.
  • Vary your calories. If your ideal caloric intake for weight loss is 1500 calories per day, try this: 1500 one day, 1900 the next, 1400 one day, 1700 the next. Many of my clients have seen great results with this approach. When they've been very disciplined for weeks and then feel guilty on a Monday after having indulged over the weekend, they are surprised to see their weight has actually gone down. Keeping your body guessing as to what is coming next is key, whether with your exercise or diet.
  • Re-evaluate sodium intake. Are you retaining water? Women, consider your menstrual cycle. Typically the scale could read a couple pounds higher before your period.
  • Mix it up. You must constantly challenge and surprise your body in order to continue to see results. If that 30 minute jaunt on the elliptical isn't cutting it anymore, take a group exercise class, go for a run, lift heavier weights. Choose a different mode of exercise for each day of the week to get the scale moving again.

There you have it! All my best stuff. Good luck!

Monday, November 9, 2009

OWW! 30 muscle ups hurt.

Mike took the first class this morning through a WOD while Chuck made it through his first time at 30 muscle ups.

15-20 minutes of dynamic , multijoint warm up with tubing, dumbbell matrix and SAQ ladder. Whatever Shawn is on at 5:00 am, I want two of. Fork it up Shawn!

Circuit 1
30 muslce ups

#1 120 dips/120 pull ups
#2 80 dips/80 pull ups
#3 40 dips/40 pull ups

Circuit 2
wall ball
kettlebell swings
lateral hurdle hops

This afternoon, Shelly is host the Feminine Mystique Physique with about 21+ women from the area. Still not to late to sign up. There is no cost as it's our way of widening our circle of influence. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bioenergetics of CrossFit

As a CSCS & Crossfit Instructor, I believe it's critically important to know the bioenergetic systems at work during a strength & conditioning program, especially when working with athletes and teams. I happen to really enjoy studying bioenergetics and creating programs to optimize these metabolic pathways. Each of these pathways is a vehicle to deliver adenosine triphophate (ATP) to the fuel the muscles at work. ATP is responsible for human movement and is manufactured by three different pathways in the body.

What is 'bioenergetics'?

"The flow of energy in a biological system concerned primarily with the conversion of food into biologically usable forms of energy."

TERMINOLOGY Energy - The ability or capacity to do work. Bioenergetics - the flow of energy in a biological system.

Energy Systems -

1) Phosphogen: an anaerobic process, one that occurs in the absence of molecular oxygen

2) Glycolitic: breakdown of carbohydrates either glycogen stored in the muscle or glucose delivered in the blood

3) Oxidative: primary source of ATP at rest and during low-intensity activities and uses primarily carbs and fats as energy.

A strength & conditioning coach will typically assign metabolic and sport specificity to the exercises composing the WOD. In a traditional S&C program, ONE bioenergetic pathway will be assigned to the WOD to optimize energy use. S&C coaches typically DO NOT optimize multiple pathways in a WOD, and that is THE MAJOR DIFFERENCE WITH CROSSFIT WORKOUTS: CrossFit may combine 2 or more bioenergetic pathways to train and perhaps improve all 3 pathways simultaneously.

Phosphogen - This system provides ATP primarily for short-term, high intensity activities (e.g., resistance training and sprinting) and is active at the start of all exercise regardless of intensity.

Gylcolysis - Is the breakdown of carbohydrates - either glycogen stored in the muscle or glucose delivered in the blood - to produce ATP that supplements the supply from the phosphogen system for high intensity muscular activity.

Oxidative - The primary source of ATP at rest and during low-intensity activities and uses primarily carbohydrates and fats as substrates.

Most of the work we do in CrossFit WODs is "metabolically expensive," as Shelly would say. In other words, the exercises and the exercise order expend a large amount of calories in a relatively short amount of time. Given this, which pathway do CF WODs use? Let's first review which ones it does not use.

First, CF generally involves workouts with a timed component and external load. This type of work capacity requires ATP quickly, and fat is not a quick provider of ATP, so it's not the oxidative system. The phosphogen system will severely deplete ATP, perhaps in 30 seconds before it needs to rebuild, and CF WODs usually take longer than 30 seconds to complete. It's the glycolitic pathway that is the primary pathway in most CF WODs, using carbohydrates and SOME fat & minimal protein for ATP.

"But I want to burn fat, not sugars!"

This is often what we hear when telling people about the benefits of CrossFit methodology.

Though the majority of calories will come from blood glucose and glycogen during the WOD. It's the external loads & lifting that really churn adipose tissue (body fat) after the WOD.

Your system is doing all it can to repair damage to the muscle and restore glycogen levels to normal. It takes energy to do this, and since the oxidative system is the pathway we use while at rest, the majority of this energy comes from fat. Think of it this way: Your 5 AM WOD is still at work at 5 AM the next day – 24 hours later, just trying repair itself and figure out what the hell it did to deserve a beating 4 days a week. Lucky you!

CrossFit burns glucose during & fat post-workout. It also improves each bioenergetic pathway through multijoint, high intensity, functional conditioning.