Monday, November 9, 2009

OWW! 30 muscle ups hurt.

Mike took the first class this morning through a WOD while Chuck made it through his first time at 30 muscle ups.

15-20 minutes of dynamic , multijoint warm up with tubing, dumbbell matrix and SAQ ladder. Whatever Shawn is on at 5:00 am, I want two of. Fork it up Shawn!

Circuit 1
30 muslce ups

#1 120 dips/120 pull ups
#2 80 dips/80 pull ups
#3 40 dips/40 pull ups

Circuit 2
wall ball
kettlebell swings
lateral hurdle hops

This afternoon, Shelly is host the Feminine Mystique Physique with about 21+ women from the area. Still not to late to sign up. There is no cost as it's our way of widening our circle of influence. Hope to see you there!

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