Tips on a proper deadlift.
Major Muslces Involved
Gluteus maximes, Semimembranosus, Semitendionsus, Biceps femoris, Vastus lateralis, Vastus intermedius, Vastus medialis, Rectus femoris
Beginning Position
- Feet hip width apart,
-Feet flat in contact with weight on the heel and center of the foot & toes pointed slightly outward,
-Knees bent so hips are lower than the shoulders;
-Lumbar curve is accentuated with a lordidic curve,
-Spine is neitral. Use PVC on spine with 3 points of contact:
1. Saccrum
2. Thoracic, between shoulder blades
3. Back of skull
-Scapulas are retrated and pulled together,
-Head and neck are either neutral or slightly hyper extended,
-Chest is up and out
-Keep elbows fully extended
-Hand grip is generally pronated on the right and supinated on the left, with grip slightly wider than the shoulders,
-Trapezius relaxed and slightly stretched,
-Bar is either directly under or slightly behind the shoulders,
-Inhale and hold breath during the lift to increase interabdominal pressure (valsalva maneuver),
-If athlete have a history of heart disease, they should avoid the valsalva maneuver,
-On elevation, the hips and shoulder should rise at the same time.
-Keep the bar as close to the shins as possible
-As bar rises just above the knees, move the hips forward to moce the thighs against and the knees under the bar
-Athlete is fully extended at the top of the movement with scapular retraction.
-Athlete exhales at the top, of the movement when fully extended
-Return bar under same control to the floor,
-Athelte can also drop the bar back to the floor,
- Maintain the flat-back body position when releasing the weight to the floor.
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