Tuesday, October 20, 2009

OHG I'm so hungry!

Holy smokes, I am so damn tired of being hungry. No matter how many blocks I eat, how many calories I get or what time of day it is, I'm always in the mood for Home Town Buffet, Royal Fork, Sherry's, and I bet I could find the end of the so called "never ending salad bowl" at Olive garden.

I just love food, and that's been the problem most of my life. What I didn't realize when I was 12 years old chowing down on doritos, cheesecake & white bread was that those little fat molecules would NEVER disappear. Never. Now, I have to work my ass off to do what? To just shrink them! That's what. Forever will my little companions be with me, or at least that's what the latest research tells me. Oh well, at least it keeps me protected when I box and serves as a warming station for Shelly's freezing hands and butt. That right, it's that time of year again. Just feel Shelly's hand (but please, not her butt) if you want to know when the fall, winter and spring solstices' are.

So we got the green light on the developing operational fitness & tactical strength training for the Portland FBI SWAT. We also got the go ahead from CrossFit HQ to put the second facility in Shelly's name in December. The new programming design is seems to be going over well with guests and the stock market is back above 10,000. Whoop dee do. I always believed that the economy would first begin to turn around in the walls of PPT, then Wall Street. So far so good.

We lost a client yesterday. No one died or anything, she is just no longer training with us. It's not a bad thing, in fact, it's the best decision for her. I was glad to get rid of her, for all the right reasons, and she feels the same.

We also got a new victim, um, I mean...client, yesterday, and thus the our universe appears to still be symmetrical.

Of course we kicks a few asses today, so yes, our universe also seems to be normal.

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