Well, I missed two days of exercise in a row. Not becasue I was fatigued or lethargic, but I was just so damned busy! I missed Firday and Saturday and I won't bore you with the details why.
So, today I woked up nice and early and went to SHARC for an 800m swim (imagine a potato sack filled with new york steaks and avacodos trolling through the water. I'm not very quick.) and 1.5mi run. I through in a few DB thrusters and stability ball atomic push ups too afterwards.
I didn't have anything to eat before hand because I felt good and fueled already. Some mornings I need some aminos before the WOD, and some I don't. It really depends on what I had to eat the day before, and because it was Gabriel's birthday party yesterday....well, nevermind. You get the idea.
So far, I have missed 3 days of solid exercise since the 31st of December. Still feeling good no matter what the WOD is like (endurance, strength or power). Constantly hungry becasue of all the catabolic reactions and EPOC too. Trying to cut out 99% of all sugars (monosacarides) and 100% dairy. No pastas, and really only have breads and hour or so after a WOD. Triming down slowly and losing about .75-1lb a week. Down roughly 6 pounds so far. JFlood asked if I was going to do the Paleo Challenge next week....still considering. Not out of the question. Also started to contact some of the nations best dieticians to put together a compliation of opinions on Paleo. Really excited about this.
As always, I welcome input, opinions, suggestions and tips.
Kick some butt Payton! Let's see him and The Old Man in the Super Bowl.
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