Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Awesome Speaker, Motivator & WOD

As most of you know, Shelly & I went to a kick ass conference in Cali last week to learn the latest WODs & see the latest gadgets. All I can say is....WOW. There was some great stuff, and then some - how should I say - some really -um, well, you get the idea. What the hell am I going to do with 5,000 mg of vitamin B? I think I saw one lady mixing a cocktail while doing the grapevine. What was that all about? Core, maybe?

Anyway, I took class through some things I learned from Todd Durkin & J.C..

Leg Cranks, Push Cranks

Circuit 1
Bosu lateral 1,2,3
Frontal Plane band shuffles
Transverse lunge w/med ball throw

Circuit 2
Bosu transverse 180's
Sag. flying lunge med ball explosion
Tubing overhead squat.

They seemed to like it.

Okay, So this wasn't part of the WOD, but it was the last breakfast that I had in LA with my wife and cousin Nicole. This is my favorite Mexican breakfast, Chorizo y huevos con arroz, frijoles y tortillas de maiz, AKA, the clogger. I don't think Paul Check would approve, but I figured, "What the hell. I'm on vacation!"

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