As most of you know, Shelly & I went to a kick ass conference in Cali last week to learn the latest WODs & see the latest gadgets. All I can say is....WOW. There was some great stuff, and then some - how should I say - some really -um, well, you get the idea. What the hell am I going to do with 5,000 mg of vitamin B? I think I saw one lady mixing a cocktail while doing the grapevine. What was that all about? Core, maybe?
Anyway, I took class through some things I learned from Todd Durkin & J.C..
Leg Cranks, Push Cranks
Circuit 1
Bosu lateral 1,2,3
Frontal Plane band shuffles
Transverse lunge w/med ball throw
Circuit 2
Bosu transverse 180's
Sag. flying lunge med ball explosion
Tubing overhead squat.
They seemed to like it.
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