I really love it when Lindsay comes to teach class for us every Monday night. She is such a good instructor and comes up with some very original programming. Tonight she developed a Fight Gone Bad workout with a Tabata component. For those not familar with Tabata, it's 20 sec of work with 10 sec of rest for 8 rounds. Now, FGB is five stations of:
1) Wall Ball
2) Sumo Dead High Pull
3) Push Press
4) Box Jumps
5) Row
From the outside, FGB looks like a killer workout that develops broad, general, all inclusive fitness. However, what this WOD (workout of the day) lacks is utilizing the other two planes of motion: Frontal plane, aka, lateral &; transverse plane, aka, rotation. To address this, we modified the workout to:
1) Plant, reach, pivot explode wall ball
2) Kettlebell reaching lawnmower
3) Bilateral, dumbbell rotational press
4) Frontal plane hurdle hops
5) Row (not too much room for variation here)
We think it's very important to train the planes of motion and not overdevelop just one of the three. The muscles of the body are not linear, or straight, but they're all angled, or pennate. This means that the body was built to move in all directions, so lets train that way.
This morning's boot camp class with Shelly took the gals through "Cindy": 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats (as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes). We finished up with some agility training with the hurdles, cones, and rings. Great effort by all the girls; Angela felt like a "big girl" doing jumping push ups for the first time today! Once she loosened up she was able to take her squats pretty low. So proud of you! Heather and Cindy are always rock stars. 100% to the finish. Lisa redeemed her free birthday session and debuted her beautiful new chocolate locks (and Coach purse). Lisa and Kristin pushed so hard to complete that last round. All in all, we had some great finishes. Cindy is a lot like Chelsea which is the same exercises on the minute for 30 minutes. Holy mackerel, that was a doozy.
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