Monday, August 31, 2009

Tempo Runs and Lunges

Oh what a perfect evening here at the box. 11 peeps (not tweets) in class, and not one of them dropped.
We had a fun time, it was great.
Everyone was excited, of course Sarah was a little late.

Lunges, burpees, sit ups to spare,
and when we were done we went running in the nice cool air.

Tempo runs are really hard, I only sat and watched.
While all 11 ran and cussed, and some were really really pissed off.

Once again at CrossFit Hillsboro, another night in the bag.
Now to post pics on Facebook, I'm off to tag!

50' lunges
21 burpees, 21 sit ups, ladder to 18, 15, 12......3

Post bird snap.

Oh what a beautiful sight. Decline push ups.
Ah, this sight warms my heart.

10 minute tempo run. On command, drop, 10 burpees, 5 push ups, 10 sit ups.

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