Thursday, September 3, 2009


3 newbies in class today! All referrals of current clients. We love you guys! We're really flatter that you would let us kick your friends asses the same way we kick yours. It's the greatest compliment for us. We hope they liked it. We also apologize in advance for stairs, chairs, toilets and picking up things off the floor tomorrow.

Julie (pictures below) brought two tough cookies to class today, and worked her butt to the bone. Julie walked in here her first day and said she wanted to be the a "crossfit milf", and that's why we love her. A very hard worker, every time! It should be noted that "milf" is now a noun, and not so much an adjective anymore.

5 Thrusters
7 Hang Power Cleans
30 min AMRAFP

Cindy and Nancy (above) rarely miss a class. They are officially CrossFit Junkies.
Another Nancy (below) was another one of the newbies. Great athlete and very excited to get started on CrossFit.

Here is Anthony. Lot's of fight inside this guy. First time in class and he did not give up or puke, which I am really not used to. Hope you can make it back champ.

And then there's Steve. Steve is the reason I (Chuck) am taking the day off today. My entire body hurts because of the workouts Steve is making me suffer through. See, he virtually requires me to workout with him during our session. I can barely push, pull or sit today.
Steve rocks.
Steve's WOD
10 weighted pull ups 18lbs
10 DB push press 25 lbs
10 sagital lunges
10 frontal lunges.


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