Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Catch Up

Monday's WOD:
bent over barbell row (12 reps)
Bulgarian lunges (8 each leg)
Arnold shoulder presses (12 reps)
walking lunges (16 reps)
upright row (12 reps)

5 rounds

Dawna's working on getting over a little something still.

Cool socks, Shawn!
Chuck took this picture of our drive home this morning.
Wall sit passing 2 weight plates back and forth
Everyone seems to be enjoying this a bit too much.
Janal with her overhead snatch
There's Kimberly-our newest recruit.  Welcome, Kimberly!
The always chipper Shawn
180 degree BOSU squat jump
This is Tues. a.m. Boot Camp.  Holly, Rachel and Cindy with atomic sit ups.
Go, Rachel, Go!
Cindy is perfecting her double unders.
Nancy with a db clean and Heather giving that heavy bag a shove.

Oh boy, these really worked the buns.

Peter with a nice deadlift.

Today Chuck's gals ran through "Louis"
substituting muscle-ups for 4 push ups/4 pull ups.  Welcome to Angela Hall- another recruit of Heather Russell's.  Thank you, Heather!!
Looking good, Debbie!

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