Tabata Something Else
20sec on : 10 Sec off
Pull ups
Push ups
Sit ups
Air squats
Tabata Dumbbells
Alternatinc DB Plank Pulls
Non-linear alternating DB lunges
DB Push up with unilateral pull
I get so dog goned caught up in teach class that I forget to take pictures! I need an assistant. Dawna, where are you! The Wednesday class at noon has become one of our benchmark classes! The Radysis girls are always rockin. Cindy joined the group too. Captian Bewick often shows up when he's not chasing pirates on the high seas. Nancy is sticking it out and rocking, and when Rod isn't working graveyards he's getting his butt kicked. We love it, and we're glad you all do to!
This morning the AM fire-breathers continued with their strength series. Wednesdays are our leg day, and that means that Thursdays are the day when the toilet seems to drop a few extra feet closer to the center of the Earth.
We had a heavy day in class with 10 rep (not RM) squats. The difference between RM (Rep Max) and rep is: RM = max volume for perscribed reps (ex., 10 RM - a load which one can lift 10 times, but not 11). Rep = Perscribed repititions with any light external weight, or body weight.
After 10 Rep squats I kindly lead them through:
DB bench step ups 10/side
linear lunges 10/s
Another strength day on Friday, then benchmark/fast glycolysis on Saturday. Next week, we're changing the intensity and volume, which is known as undulating periodization. That's fancy schancy talk for an easy day, a heavy day, a fast day, and a Starbucks day.
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