Wait, is the Chuck after Yuck? Up-Chuck after Yuck? Schucks.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
That was a fun little chipper from Ashley.
Also, I believe we have 7 people now who will be going in on a cow. We could be up to 1/2 a cow. Can't wait!
In the imortal words of my old boxing coach, Vasilly "CHACK, to be animaal, you most eeeat animaal!"
800m row
4 rope ascents
14 135lb ground to overhead
24 ring dips
40 box jumps 27"
800m run
Finisher: 14 hand stand push ups.
(no cramps for me today, yeh!!! must be the Midol).
Also, I believe we have 7 people now who will be going in on a cow. We could be up to 1/2 a cow. Can't wait!
In the imortal words of my old boxing coach, Vasilly "CHACK, to be animaal, you most eeeat animaal!"
800m row
4 rope ascents
14 135lb ground to overhead
24 ring dips
40 box jumps 27"
800m run
Finisher: 14 hand stand push ups.
(no cramps for me today, yeh!!! must be the Midol).
Monday, April 26, 2010
Stay healthy!
With so many out sick lately, we thought we'd take this opportunity to talk a bit about staying healthy. Nobody likes to be down and out. Well, sometimes I do because it's the only real time I'm actually 'down'. BUT, it is not fun to feel icky, so...
Keep these tips in mind to keep your immune system healthy:
Here are the basics, courtesy of WebMD- http://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/features/preventing-cold-and-flu-how-doctors-keep-germs-at-bay
#1) Wash your hands. Often. Soap and water. Sing "Happy Birthday". This is a magical song that when sung for precisely 30 seconds, miraculously removes all the germs and bacteria.
#2) Exercise. Vigorous activity. If your symptoms are above the neck, go for it. Below the neck, hold off for a bit.
#3) Feed your body healthy foods. One of my favorite inspirational quotes is, "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live."- Jim Rohm. Or another, "Let food be thy medicine, and let thy medicine be food." Hippocrates #4) Sleep. Make the time. It's that important. Compliments of 'Preventtheflu.com':
Consistent, adequate sleep is vitally important to overall health and paramount to a healthy and well functioning immune system. Recent studies have shown that proper restful sleep is intimately tied to the balance of a number of hormones, most notably cortisol and melatonin. Adequate levels of these hormones are vital to a properly functioning immune system in order to prevent both acute infections and long term illnesses (such as autoimmune disorders and cancer.)
More important than how long you sleep is when you sleep. To insure proper glandular function it appears sleep is optimized when in sync with the day-night cycle. That means the optimal spring/summer bedtime is between 9 and 10 p.m. and the optimal fall/winter bedtime is between 8 and 9 p.m. It also appears that sleep cycles started before midnight are far more effective than those started after midnight-- regardless of the number of hours slept.
While admittedly these parameters are very difficult to observe given our lifestyles, if you feel like “you are coming down with something,” rest and proper sleep may be one of your cheapest and most enjoyable remedies!
How can we do our part at the studio to keep you healthy so you can remain consistent with your workout routine? Not to freak you out, but remember that everything you touch has been touched by others. We've got hand sanitizers at the front desk for your use. After use of a workout mat, please use a Lysol wipe to disinfect. Be the cool one who takes the initiative; others will follow your lead. Remember kettlebell handles, dumbbells, jump ropes, etc. We will go the extra step as well. If you're one who sweats puddles (you know who you are), please use your towel to dry it up.
We appreciate your cooperation and hope that you do not have to spend days lying on the couch recovering. After all, May flowers are up ahead, right?!
Keep these tips in mind to keep your immune system healthy:
Here are the basics, courtesy of WebMD- http://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/features/preventing-cold-and-flu-how-doctors-keep-germs-at-bay
#1) Wash your hands. Often. Soap and water. Sing "Happy Birthday". This is a magical song that when sung for precisely 30 seconds, miraculously removes all the germs and bacteria.
#2) Exercise. Vigorous activity. If your symptoms are above the neck, go for it. Below the neck, hold off for a bit.
#3) Feed your body healthy foods. One of my favorite inspirational quotes is, "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live."- Jim Rohm. Or another, "Let food be thy medicine, and let thy medicine be food." Hippocrates #4) Sleep. Make the time. It's that important. Compliments of 'Preventtheflu.com':
Consistent, adequate sleep is vitally important to overall health and paramount to a healthy and well functioning immune system. Recent studies have shown that proper restful sleep is intimately tied to the balance of a number of hormones, most notably cortisol and melatonin. Adequate levels of these hormones are vital to a properly functioning immune system in order to prevent both acute infections and long term illnesses (such as autoimmune disorders and cancer.)
More important than how long you sleep is when you sleep. To insure proper glandular function it appears sleep is optimized when in sync with the day-night cycle. That means the optimal spring/summer bedtime is between 9 and 10 p.m. and the optimal fall/winter bedtime is between 8 and 9 p.m. It also appears that sleep cycles started before midnight are far more effective than those started after midnight-- regardless of the number of hours slept.
While admittedly these parameters are very difficult to observe given our lifestyles, if you feel like “you are coming down with something,” rest and proper sleep may be one of your cheapest and most enjoyable remedies!
How can we do our part at the studio to keep you healthy so you can remain consistent with your workout routine? Not to freak you out, but remember that everything you touch has been touched by others. We've got hand sanitizers at the front desk for your use. After use of a workout mat, please use a Lysol wipe to disinfect. Be the cool one who takes the initiative; others will follow your lead. Remember kettlebell handles, dumbbells, jump ropes, etc. We will go the extra step as well. If you're one who sweats puddles (you know who you are), please use your towel to dry it up.
We appreciate your cooperation and hope that you do not have to spend days lying on the couch recovering. After all, May flowers are up ahead, right?!
Holy Cow's & Food Journal
1) So far, we have 6-7 people willing to go in on a grass fed cow from Soggy Feet Enterprises.
www.soggyfeetenterprises.com is their website. If you would like to participate, please let us know as soon as possible. They also have "grass burgers" for sale in various quantities. Please check it out Soggy Feet and help a local company. Can't wait!
2) According to the National Weight Control registry, (NWCR) - the largest prospective research project on long-term successful weight loss and maintenance - 78% of people polled who lost weight (and kept it off) reported eating breakfast every day. It may sound like a cliche, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it start the day off right by controlling insulin levels, but it helps control appetite and cravings as the day goes on. As a rule of thumb, I don't have anything except water and sometimes a supplement like Amino Vital, Cytosport or Accelerade before an AM wod. However, I save breakfast for after the WOD when I go back home.
Yours in strength and wellness,
Chuck & Shelly
p/s. Jack Lalanne is a vegetarian. The "jumping jack" was named after Jack Lalanne.
www.soggyfeetenterprises.com is their website. If you would like to participate, please let us know as soon as possible. They also have "grass burgers" for sale in various quantities. Please check it out Soggy Feet and help a local company. Can't wait!
2) According to the National Weight Control registry, (NWCR) - the largest prospective research project on long-term successful weight loss and maintenance - 78% of people polled who lost weight (and kept it off) reported eating breakfast every day. It may sound like a cliche, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it start the day off right by controlling insulin levels, but it helps control appetite and cravings as the day goes on. As a rule of thumb, I don't have anything except water and sometimes a supplement like Amino Vital, Cytosport or Accelerade before an AM wod. However, I save breakfast for after the WOD when I go back home.
Yours in strength and wellness,
Chuck & Shelly
p/s. Jack Lalanne is a vegetarian. The "jumping jack" was named after Jack Lalanne.
Monday, April 19, 2010
What is an "ANDI" score?
Always on the lookout for healthy (er) options, I was delighted to come across the "ANDI" signs on my last visit to Whole Foods. ANDI stands for "Aggregate Nutrient Density Index".
The ANDI score, based on a Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s Nutrient Density Scoring System analyzes many nutrients in a food product:
The ANDI score, based on a Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s Nutrient Density Scoring System analyzes many nutrients in a food product:
Calcium, Carotenoids: Beta Carotene, Alpha Carotene, Lutein & Zeaxanthin, Lycopene, Fiber, Folate, Glucosinolates, Iron, Magnesium, Niacin, Selenium, Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc, plus ORAC score X 2 (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity is a method of measuring the antioxidant or radical scavenging capacity of foods).
Some foods pack more of a nutritional 'punch' per serving. These are the foods that we can eat a lot of without worrying too much. You can bet I grabbed a bunch of kale and collard greens that day! I cooked them in a bit of olive oil (helps your body to absorb more of the nutrients) and garlic. Mmmm!
Keep in mind, we're not swaying you towards vegetarianism here. However, there is no disputing the fact that we could all get more fruits and veggies in our diets. This is not to say that you should avoid the foods with a lower score. Eggs, avocado, and walnuts have relatively low numbers because they don't pack as much 'punch' per bite, but they do have vital nutrients and fats our bodies need.
Learn more about it here:
Gaining mass without adding fat & refueling after exercsie
As you know, some of us in the studio are on a strength/hypertrophy phase which will last through the middle of May. Our goal is to put on lean mass without adding additional body fat. In theory, to gain 1 pound of (.45kg) of body weight per week, you'd ned to consume an additional 500 calories per day above your typical intake. Some people are hard gainers and require more calories than other peole do to add weight. For exampl, in one landmark resear study (Sims 1976), 200 prisoners with no family history of obesity volunteered to be gluttons. The goal was to gain 20-25% above their normal weight (about 30-40 pounds) by deliberately overeating. For more than half a year, the prisoners ate a ton, and exercised minimally. Yet only 20 of the 200 prisoners managed to gain the weight. Of those, only 2 (who had an undected family history of obesity or diabetes) gained the weight easily. One prisoner tried for 30 weeks to add 12 pounds to his 132-pound frame, but he couldn't get any heavier. Thus, it's may actually be very, very difficult for you to eat enough high-quality calories to put on lean muscle mass.
Because your muscles become saturaed with glycogen when fed 3-5 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight, and your boayd uses less than 1 gram of protein per pound under grouwth conditions, your primary dietary goal is to satisgy these requirremens for carbs and proteins. Then you can choose the balance of the calories from a variety of healthful fats.
If you are on the Zone, you may consider making an attempt to increase your carb blocks by roughly 20%and keep your protein blocks to the equivalent of 1 gram per pound of body weight per day. Fats can be targetting to supply up to 30+ % of daily calories.
Because your muscles become saturaed with glycogen when fed 3-5 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight, and your boayd uses less than 1 gram of protein per pound under grouwth conditions, your primary dietary goal is to satisgy these requirremens for carbs and proteins. Then you can choose the balance of the calories from a variety of healthful fats.
If you are on the Zone, you may consider making an attempt to increase your carb blocks by roughly 20%and keep your protein blocks to the equivalent of 1 gram per pound of body weight per day. Fats can be targetting to supply up to 30+ % of daily calories.
Yesterday, some of us had the pleasure to suffer through the Bridge to Brew 8 & 10k. My legs still hurt pretty badly, and I was starved nearly all day. Getting in enough calories for my legs to regenerate after Saturday & Sunday seemed impossible. The following is the nutritional plan that I like to stick to after a long workout to optimize recover and replenish for the next WOD:
Recovery ASAFP
.5gCarb(Body weight)/hour taken at 30 minute intervals for 4-5 hours.
Take me, for example:
173 lbs x .5 g carbs = 87 g carb = 340 calories carb.
rougly 170 calories taken every thirty minutes. The body willl naturally crave this amount, if not more.
Yours in Strength, Conditioning and Wellness,
Oh yes, remember to contact our great staff for questions about Paleo & Zone to assist you on your challenging journey:
Saturday, April 17, 2010
What is the hell did we do to our legs this morning?
I have to apologize that I haven't blogged yesterdays WOD that Ashley lead everyone through.
"Party with the Girls" didn't really seem like any kind of party that I have been too. I'll get those pics up soon. Huge class yesterday too.
Right now, as I'm typing this, Jeff is leading a class though a MetaLegs program I wrote this morning.
I was a little intimidated by this one, but it wasn't too bad. In hindsight, I would have subbed the push ups for burpees.
1. 6 rounds of leg cranks
2. All Prisioner Position (12 squats, 12 lunges, 12 jump squats, 6 lunges)
3. 2 rounds of 25 Wall Balls & 25 SDHP w/KB
4. Leg Cranks 6 rounds
5. Body weight squats max reps
6. Max push ups
7. Leg cranks 6 rounds
And finally, "Melinda was here."
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Fitness Education News
IDEA Fitness Journal reports this month that dispite a faltering economy, experts forecast continued success within the fitness industry. According to repors from industry market research firm IBISWorld, consumers are expected to continue to pursue improvements in health and fitness. IBISWorld suggests that fitness facilities will experience a 3.2% growth in 2010, with revenues of $25.09 billion. No matter the condition of the economy, research tells us that people want to feel good about themselves, even when times are tough.
Diabetes -
In the US, 23.7 million people live with diabetes. In 2009, $113 billion was spent on diabetes. If current trends continue, the number of people living with diabetes could nearly double and spending could almost triple in the next 25 years. "If we don't change our diet and exercise habits or find new, more effective and less expensive ways to prevent and treat diabetes, we will find ourselves in a lot of trouble as a population," stated lead study author Elber Huang, MD, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago.
Diabetes -
In the US, 23.7 million people live with diabetes. In 2009, $113 billion was spent on diabetes. If current trends continue, the number of people living with diabetes could nearly double and spending could almost triple in the next 25 years. "If we don't change our diet and exercise habits or find new, more effective and less expensive ways to prevent and treat diabetes, we will find ourselves in a lot of trouble as a population," stated lead study author Elber Huang, MD, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
A Flood of Foundations

It's always a 4 hour block that flies by in no time, no matter how efficient we try to make it. Thank so much for each of you taking time out of your busy lives to listen and learn something new and refreshing (I hope), which MAY NOT add years to your life, but WILL ADD life to your years!
"Maktub." The boy thought.
Kristen Wair
Michael Higgins
Donna Oakovich
Rebecca Nevers
Tracy Pedroza
Jonas Bocanegra
Brad Calahan
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
What's the big deal about Glutamine and why do Chuck and Shelly tout it?
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in your body. Most of it is stored in your muscles, although rather significant amounts are found in your brain, lungs, blood and liver. It serves as a building block for proteins, nucleotides (structural units of RNA and DNA), and other amino acids, and it is the principal fuel sources for cells that make up your immune system.
Recent evidence has shown that glutamine may optimize recovery - in at least four possible ways. Glutamine spares protein, stimulants the formation of glycogen, protects immunity and enhances protein synthesis.
During intense exercise (like CrossFit) the muscles release glutamine in to the blood stream. This can deplete muscle glutamine reserves by as much as 34 percent. Such a shortfall can be problematic, because a deficiency of glutamine promotes the breakdown and wasting of muscle tissue. However, if sufficient glutamine is available, muscle loss can be prevented. Considering we are in a strength challenge, I don't think any of you want to lose muscle due to insufficient amino intake.
Glutamine also assists with controlling hydration levels of cells, called cell volumization. By helping maintain cell volume, protein synthesis is stimulated and protein breakdown is decreased. Glutamine thus may have benefits for anyone who wants to maximize performance, muscle repair, and immunity. Glutamine also assists with recovery from not only trauma (again, like CrossFit) but also from stress and fatigue. The recommended dosage from many sports nutritionists is between 5 and 15 grams a day.
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in your body. Most of it is stored in your muscles, although rather significant amounts are found in your brain, lungs, blood and liver. It serves as a building block for proteins, nucleotides (structural units of RNA and DNA), and other amino acids, and it is the principal fuel sources for cells that make up your immune system.
Recent evidence has shown that glutamine may optimize recovery - in at least four possible ways. Glutamine spares protein, stimulants the formation of glycogen, protects immunity and enhances protein synthesis.
During intense exercise (like CrossFit) the muscles release glutamine in to the blood stream. This can deplete muscle glutamine reserves by as much as 34 percent. Such a shortfall can be problematic, because a deficiency of glutamine promotes the breakdown and wasting of muscle tissue. However, if sufficient glutamine is available, muscle loss can be prevented. Considering we are in a strength challenge, I don't think any of you want to lose muscle due to insufficient amino intake.
Glutamine also assists with controlling hydration levels of cells, called cell volumization. By helping maintain cell volume, protein synthesis is stimulated and protein breakdown is decreased. Glutamine thus may have benefits for anyone who wants to maximize performance, muscle repair, and immunity. Glutamine also assists with recovery from not only trauma (again, like CrossFit) but also from stress and fatigue. The recommended dosage from many sports nutritionists is between 5 and 15 grams a day.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Spring Strength Challenge and Password
Let's try this again. Click here.http://files.me.com/shellygonzales/fj4upp
The password is:
Keep your fingers crossed.
The password is:
Keep your fingers crossed.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Spring Strength Challenge - Get out of the Zone!
Chuck created a powerpoint for you to download and view. Strength Challenge powerpoint download
Or, copy and past this link into your URL: http://files.me.com/shellygonzales/fj4upp
Save this file to your computer to view.
We used a portion of this presentation with the FBI SWAT for our TSAC symposium last year. We recommend the same things for tactical operators as we do for you, the tactical moms and dads.
Entry fee for the challenge is $25, the same as last time, however we are planning on getting some pretty cool prizes for this challenge, so keep your finger crossed. More details to come soon.
Going to beddy bye.
Or, copy and past this link into your URL: http://files.me.com/shellygonzales/fj4upp
Save this file to your computer to view.
We used a portion of this presentation with the FBI SWAT for our TSAC symposium last year. We recommend the same things for tactical operators as we do for you, the tactical moms and dads.
Entry fee for the challenge is $25, the same as last time, however we are planning on getting some pretty cool prizes for this challenge, so keep your finger crossed. More details to come soon.
Going to beddy bye.
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