Because your muscles become saturaed with glycogen when fed 3-5 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight, and your boayd uses less than 1 gram of protein per pound under grouwth conditions, your primary dietary goal is to satisgy these requirremens for carbs and proteins. Then you can choose the balance of the calories from a variety of healthful fats.
If you are on the Zone, you may consider making an attempt to increase your carb blocks by roughly 20%and keep your protein blocks to the equivalent of 1 gram per pound of body weight per day. Fats can be targetting to supply up to 30+ % of daily calories.
Yesterday, some of us had the pleasure to suffer through the Bridge to Brew 8 & 10k. My legs still hurt pretty badly, and I was starved nearly all day. Getting in enough calories for my legs to regenerate after Saturday & Sunday seemed impossible. The following is the nutritional plan that I like to stick to after a long workout to optimize recover and replenish for the next WOD:
Recovery ASAFP
.5gCarb(Body weight)/hour taken at 30 minute intervals for 4-5 hours.
Take me, for example:
173 lbs x .5 g carbs = 87 g carb = 340 calories carb.
rougly 170 calories taken every thirty minutes. The body willl naturally crave this amount, if not more.
Yours in Strength, Conditioning and Wellness,
Oh yes, remember to contact our great staff for questions about Paleo & Zone to assist you on your challenging journey:
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