1) So far, we have 6-7 people willing to go in on a grass fed cow from Soggy Feet Enterprises.
www.soggyfeetenterprises.com is their website. If you would like to participate, please let us know as soon as possible. They also have "grass burgers" for sale in various quantities. Please check it out Soggy Feet and help a local company. Can't wait!
2) According to the National Weight Control registry, (NWCR) - the largest prospective research project on long-term successful weight loss and maintenance - 78% of people polled who lost weight (and kept it off) reported eating breakfast every day. It may sound like a cliche, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it start the day off right by controlling insulin levels, but it helps control appetite and cravings as the day goes on. As a rule of thumb, I don't have anything except water and sometimes a supplement like Amino Vital, Cytosport or Accelerade before an AM wod. However, I save breakfast for after the WOD when I go back home.
Yours in strength and wellness,
Chuck & Shelly
p/s. Jack Lalanne is a vegetarian. The "jumping jack" was named after Jack Lalanne.
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