What's the big deal about Glutamine and why do Chuck and Shelly tout it?
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in your body. Most of it is stored in your muscles, although rather significant amounts are found in your brain, lungs, blood and liver. It serves as a building block for proteins, nucleotides (structural units of RNA and DNA), and other amino acids, and it is the principal fuel sources for cells that make up your immune system.
Recent evidence has shown that glutamine may optimize recovery - in at least four possible ways. Glutamine spares protein, stimulants the formation of glycogen, protects immunity and enhances protein synthesis.
During intense exercise (like CrossFit) the muscles release glutamine in to the blood stream. This can deplete muscle glutamine reserves by as much as 34 percent. Such a shortfall can be problematic, because a deficiency of glutamine promotes the breakdown and wasting of muscle tissue. However, if sufficient glutamine is available, muscle loss can be prevented. Considering we are in a strength challenge, I don't think any of you want to lose muscle due to insufficient amino intake.
Glutamine also assists with controlling hydration levels of cells, called cell volumization. By helping maintain cell volume, protein synthesis is stimulated and protein breakdown is decreased. Glutamine thus may have benefits for anyone who wants to maximize performance, muscle repair, and immunity. Glutamine also assists with recovery from not only trauma (again, like CrossFit) but also from stress and fatigue. The recommended dosage from many sports nutritionists is between 5 and 15 grams a day.
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