Monday, April 26, 2010

Stay healthy!

With so many out sick lately, we thought we'd take this opportunity to talk a bit about staying healthy.  Nobody likes to be down and out.  Well, sometimes I do because it's the only real time I'm actually 'down'.  BUT, it is not fun to feel icky, so...

Keep these tips in mind to keep your immune system healthy:
Here are the basics, courtesy of WebMD-

#1) Wash your hands.  Often.  Soap and water.  Sing "Happy Birthday".  This is a magical song that when sung for precisely 30 seconds, miraculously removes all the germs and bacteria.
#2)  Exercise.  Vigorous activity.  If your symptoms are above the neck, go for it.  Below the neck, hold off for a bit.
#3)  Feed your body healthy foods.  One of my favorite inspirational quotes is, "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live."- Jim Rohm.  Or another,  "Let food be thy medicine, and let thy medicine be food." Hippocrates #4) Sleep. Make the time. It's that important.  Compliments of '':

Consistent, adequate sleep is vitally important to overall health and paramount to a healthy and well functioning immune system. Recent studies have shown that proper restful sleep is intimately tied to the balance of a number of hormones, most notably cortisol and melatonin. Adequate levels of these hormones are vital to a properly functioning immune system in order to prevent both acute infections and long term illnesses (such as autoimmune disorders and cancer.)

More important than how long you sleep is when you sleep. To insure proper glandular function it appears sleep is optimized when in sync with the day-night cycle. That means the optimal spring/summer bedtime is between 9 and 10 p.m. and the optimal fall/winter bedtime is between 8 and 9 p.m. It also appears that sleep cycles started before midnight are far more effective than those started after midnight-- regardless of the number of hours slept.
While admittedly these parameters are very difficult to observe given our lifestyles, if you feel like “you are coming down with something,” rest and proper sleep may be one of your cheapest and most enjoyable remedies!

How can we do our part at the studio to keep you healthy so you can remain consistent with your workout routine? Not to freak you out, but remember that everything you touch has been touched by others. We've got hand sanitizers at the front desk for your use. After use of a workout mat, please use a Lysol wipe to disinfect. Be the cool one who takes the initiative; others will follow your lead. Remember kettlebell handles, dumbbells, jump ropes, etc. We will go the extra step as well. If you're one who sweats puddles (you know who you are), please use your towel to dry it up.

We appreciate your cooperation and hope that you do not have to spend days lying on the couch recovering. After all, May flowers are up ahead, right?!


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