Thursday, November 4, 2010

Burpee Accountability Rule

Monday night classes hardly have anyone in them, wouldn't you agree?  Okay, so that's not entirely true.
While there may be only 14 signed up online and we try to limit classes to 15, 20 may actually show up.  While we CAN make it work, we really have to begin to enforce our capacity rule with a burpee strategy.  
Monday nights are usually our busiest class.  What have been trying to do, and what will become a policy is to have multiple instructors in our larger classes.   We will have a minimum of two instructors on Monday nights, and any other one that reaches capacity.  So where do the burpees come in?  That's the best part!

The burpee rule is a great way to enforce accountability for everyone.  Here are the rules:

Show up to class without signing up = 30 burpees
Show up 2 minutes late to class = 30 burpees
Show up 10 minutes late to class = 30 burpees
Dropping dumbbells, kettlebells or empty bar = 10 burpees (we will add this to your final WOD time)
Dropping 'F'Bomb = 30 burpees (Totally kidding.  I think Chuck should do 30 burpees every time someone drops an 'F'Bomb)  
"Can't" = 10 burpees
Cheating reps = 50 burpees + total embarrassment + time added to WOD

We're sure the list will grow and evolve over time, so this is just a start.  Some of you have approached us and told us about your concerns with class sizes, and we really appreciate this kind of feedback.  One has to think to themselves "this isn't what I signed up for when I first came to CFH".  This is true, and we are doing our best to accurately manage our growth.  With these larger classes, the individual attention become slightly more diluted, as expected.  While we cannot have a trainer for every client, we will offer multiple trainers.  Group training, or CrossFit, is by it's nature a class activity with one or two leaders.  Also, not every class is filled to capacity, especially those later in the week.  While we do encourage everyone to maximize their membership with us, we encourage you who do want a little more attention from a coach to attend these classes, such as Thursday & Friday.  The morning and afternoon classes also have space available as well, and everyone is welcomed to those.  

Finally, at PPT and CFH, we charge what we are worth.   We know that we are not the most inexpensive CrossFit Affiliate outside of Lake Oswego.  Our pricing is based on our broad, general and all-inclusive background as not only CrossFit instructors, but as nationally certified personal trainers, certified strength & conditioning specialists, certified group exercise instructors, certified USA weightlifting coaches and certified yoga practitioners.  With these accolades also comes the experience of working with all types of populations as trainers, group ex instructors and as professional head strength & conditioning coaches.  We also regularly attend fitness shows, conferences and continuing fitness education classes.  We don't under or devalue ourselves by cutting our prices just to attract more guests.  As professional trainers, we charge what we are worth, the same way as any other professional would, including physical therapists, chiropractors, doctors and attorneys.  

We are always glad to hear from you, whether it's good news or bad.  Bad news = 30 burpees.  

Your staff of professionals at
Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro   

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