Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kettle Bell X-Travaganza

This is the first week that we are executing our new programming methodology of 1 trainer designing the WOD's for every class on a given day. Tuesday's classes belong to Chantal, and although she does not teach all of the classes herself, our other instructors use the format she designed.  Today, Chantal wrote "Kettlebell X-Travaganza". Chuck is not the biggest fan of the KB, but Shelly loves them because they make her feel tough. Not a lot of women train with KB's, but the few, the proud, the CrossFitters do. And that makes them some tough bee-otches. Chuck is just a big wuss and sticks to things like the power snatch, thruster, clean & jerk. What a pansy.

So the WOD:
90sec work : 30sec rest
3 rounds

1 arm alternating swing
walking lunges with medial pass through of KB
Lateral lungs and touch lateral foot
Clean & Press
Unilateral bent-over row
Seated Russian twists 

50 air squats
35 push ups
20 pull ups
5 burpees

This WOD kicked everyone's ass today.  No one could hide from this one.  Nice work Chantal.   

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