Friday, August 14, 2009

CrossFit & IDEA World

Unfortunately, photos cannot be uploaded right now, but we'll post them soon. 

I can't believe I don't have a real phone.  Everyone is Tweeting or posting to Facebook from all of these classes Shelly & I are taking using their iphones, Blackberries, Palm Pre, make-up compacts, etc. Things are also a little more expensive here in The OC, like: 12 bucks a day to access the convention centers wi-fi network, 10 bucks a day for parking (each time you enter and leave the property at the convention center), and 9 smackers for a glass of merlot.  Shelly & I have decided to immediately raise our rates at the studio to fund our vacationing wi-fi, parking and drinking binges. 

Shelly and I had some great classes yesterday. I started off with IndoRow which is an indoor, rowing class.  The rower is similar to the Concept 2 we have, but it uses an actual water barrel for resistance and when there are 30 people in sync in a small room, the sound of the swoosh is amazingly chill.  In fact,  I won a t-shirt from Jay Blanik (an awesome fit pro) which I humbly accepted since he nominated me as the MVP for my team at the end of the day.      

Shelly had another class with Tony Horton today, 10 Minute Trainer.  She learned a new push up that you ladies are going to love.  Man that guy is ripped! he's 50 years old too. Then we took some blogging classes and only one of them was worth paying for.  I felt like one of the kids in stuck in class during Ferris Buhler's Day Off. Shelly & I have decided that we pretty much need a full time, social networking, representative of first impression at the front desk.   
Oh yea, I won another shirt & DVD from Todd Durkin for being an effin bad ass. Okay, actually he was just drawing names from hat.  

Oh yea, I almost beat Tony Horton on the IndoRow too, but he still took me by one meter.  I'll try again today.  

Lastly, Shelly & I both took "Metabolic Conditioning" with Fraiser Quelch. Fraiser is a world class program director and among other things, is on the development & training team for TRX.  He is also a great guy whom I now call my friend.   Now, Shelly & I roll up in their with our CrossFit & Pac PT flair to hear what this cat had to say about MetCons.  MetCons are the type of workouts that CrossFit puts together like, Fran, Nasty Girls, Cindy, etc.  Right off the bat, Faiser asks if there are any CrossFit owners in the house. We give a hoot N' holla, and he looks our way with a kind of "ahh shit" look.  

For the most part, he was really making a statement about why people should not really participate in CrossFit and that while it may have its benefits, it still have some major improvements to make.  Especially in the field of multi planar conditioning.  

He asks, "can anyone do a muscle up?"  I raise my hand.  He says, "One guy in a room full of some of the world best fitness professionals."  I smile & nod, like "yea boyeeee!"  
Then, what does he do?  He plays a video of CrossFit Nasty Girls.  Remember the one with the 3 girls doing air squats, muscle ups and hang power cleans?  Well, he only showed the last 4 reps that Nicole did to complete the workout. The crowd is in a state of disgusted disbelief as they watch her give her everything to finish. After the film was over, I had to pipe in and defend her athletic ability and knowledge of proper, high intensity lifting.  There was quite a lot of whispering in the room after that, like, "who the hell does that guy think he is and who would ever train with him?"  Or, " No one should ever work like that, and I would never make a client to that.".  I didn't expect anyone to understand CrossFit like you all do, because after all, yes, it's a cult - but a good cult.  

Fraiser came up to me afterwards and wanted to assure me that he didn't mean any offense and respected what we were doing in CrossFit.  We then explained to him that we are not just a CrossFit facility, but a personal training studio with certified strength & conditioning coaches & certified personal trainers.    

I friggin loved every minute of it because for most of the hour, he, Shelly & I were talking back & forth throughout the entire seminar on CrossFit.  It was phenomenal exposure for us, and a couple of international people came up afterwards and asked us lots of questions on the fire breathing beast.  

The best thing is, this session is available online for fitness pros all over the world to purchase & view at  That's going to be great.  

Okay, off to day 3.  Wish us luck. 


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