Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happyness in CrossFit

Way to be on the ball Jonas.  Ready.....ready.....
When I first saw the Movie "The Pursuit of Happyness," I didn't even realize it was spelled incorrectly until Shelly pointed it out to me (spelling nerd).

Both Shelly and I have to say that we're really happy being in the CrossFit family, and we're not just kissing ass either. 80% of the new clients that we get are interested in our CrossFit programming.  We have to be honest with you, if we weren't a CrossFit affiliate, we would not be nearly as successful, even with our entire staff.  I don't know, maybe we would be, but it sure would take us a hell of a lot longer.  CrossFit  has changed our lives as trainers in ways that we never imagined and while it was pretty damned difficult for us to get on board with entire methodology, we're convinced that this programming is the way of the future.  "Constantly varied, functional exercise executed at high intensity."  "Eat meats, nuts, vegetables, some fruits, little starches and no sugars, some beer, a few shots and an occasional bowl of frosted mini wheats."  Okay, that last one was stretching it a bit, but you get the idea.

So, we're fans of CrossFit, yes.  But, we're also fans of TRX, BOSU, spin bikes (yes Jeff, I do like spinning), core strengthening, stability balls and many other implements.  We think our clients like them too when we're kicking their asses with them.  I also like a good Pinot Noir (I don't know where that came from, nor do I know when I went from writing "we" to "I".  Hi,  by the's Chuck, not Shelly).

Check out the pics below of some kick ass Charlie's Angels.  Well, I guess they're Shelly & Chuck's Angels, or Shellchucker's Angels, or Shluckels.  Sounds like a Keebler Elf.

"Secret, strong enough for Dan,  but made for JFlood."

p.s., I wrote to Storm Large to ask her if she could perform the National Anthem (not sure if that's supposed to be capitalized) at Hillsboro Stadium for September's Fight Gone Bad.  If anyone could pull a few strings, that would be great.  Also, a huge thanks to Ted Secolo for building our lifting platforms this week.  Thank you so much for putting those together for us.  I think they have already paid for themselves.  Was I supposed to pay you?

We're really happy that Janal didn't convince herself to drive back home after she got to the studio at 5:30 AM.
Head em up, move em out, rawhide!  Yee Haw! 

Greg,  aren't you just glad that this isn't included in the field sobriety test?   Jana, I'm slightly afraid of you.  
Chuck You're such a stud.
Jana, I'm still afraid of you.  Nancy, I'm pretty sure that your close to another PR.  Holly, you look like your picturing my face on the concrete in front of you.  Atlanta, you know how many people I have asking me who you are?  "Who's this 'Atlanta' girl?"That's  a 312.5 lb front squat for Cian.  You're starting to make me sick.  
 That's Jonas, still standing there.  

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