Saturday, March 20, 2010

Week of 3/15/10 & The Right People

The right people are here and will show up on time.  What does this mean to you?  I'll tell you what it means for me and what it reminds me of.  About 4 years ago, I was training one of my favorite clients at the old Globe-O gym.  We were talking about how great it would if Shelly and I opened up our own studio.  "Yea." I said.  "But I really love all of the clients I have right now.  I love training you guys here."  "Yea, Chuck." He answered.  "But you know what?  You'll love your next ones too."  I've never forgotten that.   A year ago, Shelly & I had no idea who most of you were and you would have flipped out if someone would have told you what an ass kicking you were in for.  But now, you're all here.  You showed up on time, and exactly when you were supposed to.  We patiently waited, built the studio for you, and now here you are.  You're all the right people, here at the right time and we're eternally thankful for your determination and potty mouths.
This week was not easy.  Especially the overhead squat part. 

I just never get tired of this photo. 


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