Friday, December 18, 2009


Shoot the Rod

Double under Andrea

Look at the next photo

That's amazing

about 3 pics down is the aftermath

4,000 down Rod.  Way to go!

Shorty get low, low, low, low...

I gotta paint that wall this weekend!

Andrea's DNA

Neck & Neck!

Finishing up tail pipes.  "Your not gonna fall for the banana in the tailpipe?"

It seems there was no Duck Fart or Car Bomb challenges last night for the AM crew, so I'm not sure where everyone was.  We will get to the bottom of this however.  
Mike did have a fun little WOD:
15 Front Squats 65/95
25 burpees
22 minutes

I hope that was it, because that's what I made my classes do.

They finished up with some Tailpipes too, which are:
250m Row
Isometric KB hold or alternating KB swing.

We would also REALLY like to send a big thank you to Andrea, Holly, Nancy, Cindy, Shelly, and everyone who brought in items to help the holiday families this week.  That means so much to us
and we cannot thank you enough from the bottom of our hearts, or the bottom of our butts!

Unilateral PVC V-up?

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